614444-4444 support@cheaperpaving.com
Service Area

Serving Columbus, Ohio , and the surrounding areas.

1200 +


1200 +


850 +


Affordable asphalt

Quality Work & Affordable Prices


What people say about Us

Sara Real Estate Agent

I am in real estate and need to make my customers have positive professional relationships. I was impressed with the level of professionalism, Quality, and Responsiveness that your company provides. Thank you, and I will always recommend you to my clients.

Jonathon Home Owner

The crew was professional and did a great job. They took their time, didn't make a mess in my yard, and straightened up the edges of the grass to make it look clean. They seemed to care! Will recommend!

Ben Stokes Business owner

I own my own business and am skeptical of who I hire; I want them to care about the project and treat me as we treat our clients. I am beyond impressed with the professionalism, hard work, & politeness.

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